《他的個人財富,刷新紀錄!》 新浪財經官方帳號01:13Right after the catastrophic explosions in Beirut Port, the Starbucks Foundation has committed $100,000 to support disaster relief and rebuilding efforts on the ground. The funding will be distributed to a number of organizations with the goal of giving immediate relief and supporting the city’s recovery, with a specific emphasis on food and shelter.The Starbucks Foundation will immediately donate $75,000 to CARE International who are working to provide shelter and other immediate assistance to homeless families, then $25,000 to World Central Kitchen who are serving more than 10,000 meals daily to people at local hospitals, volunteers and community organizations.貝魯特港發生災難性爆炸後,星巴克基金會承諾提供100,000美元,以支持當地的救災和重建工作。這筆旨在立即提供救濟並支持城市重建的資金將分配給多個組織。其中,食品和住房領域是援助重點。星巴克基金會首先將向“關愛國際”捐款75000美元,為無家可歸的家庭提供住房和其他緊急援助。隨後,還將向“世界中央廚房”捐款25000美元,為當地醫院醫患、志願者和社區組織員工提供每天10000多份餐食。更多資訊請看今日雙語“外企頭條”↓傑夫·貝佐斯身價超2000億美元Jeff Bezos Is Now Worth More Than $200 Billion據外媒報道,彭博億萬富翁指數顯示,美東時間本周三,亞馬遜首席執行官傑夫·貝索斯的淨資產飆升至2020億美元,使他成為第一個突破2000億美元大關的人。Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on Wednesday saw his net worth soar above $202 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, making him the first person to cross the $200 billion threshold.目前,他比排名第二的微軟聯合創始人比爾·蓋茨多出780億美元。He’s now $78 billion richer than Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, who stands at number two.這位亞馬遜創始人的個人財富,主要是亞馬遜的股票,近年來隨著該公司的股價一路飆升。The Amazon founder’s personal wealth, which is mostly in Amazon stock, has skyrocketed in recent years along with the company’s share price.報道稱,今年4月,在消費者前所未有的需求推動下,亞馬遜股價創下歷史新高,並持續上漲,使其市值增加數千億美元,今年迄今為止,投資者已獲得逾86%的收益。Amazon shares hit record highs in April on the back of unprecedented demand from consumers, and the stock has continued to rise, adding hundreds of billions to its market value and giving investors a gain of more than 86% this year so far.截至周三,該公司市值超過1.7萬億美元,成為美國市值第二高的公司,僅次於蘋果公司。As of Wednesday, the company is worth more than $1.7 trillion, making it the second-most valuable company in theU.S., trailing only Apple.宜家中國:新財年聚焦可持續可負擔IKEA China:Sustainability And Affordability Brand Priorities For FY21 宜家中國8月26日在上海舉行以“家的無限值“為主題的2021財年發布會。在新財年開啟之際,宜家明確將繼續保持“未來+“戰略所確認的發展方向。IKEA China organized its FY21 Kickoff Press Briefing in Shanghai on Aug 26. On the eve of FY21, IKEA China confirmed that the directions outlined in its Future+ Strategy will remain unchanged – Accessibility, Digitalization.在消費者端,宜家推出了2021財年針對後疫情時代的品牌重點——可持續和可負擔。Facing consumers, IKEA China announced Sustainability and Affordability as its brand priorities in the post-pandemic era.宜家觀察到,突如其來席卷全球的新冠疫情,讓人們重新思考家居生活的意義,以及人類與自然和地球的關系。IKEA observed that the sudden pandemic that has swept the world makes people rethink the meaning of life at home and the relationship between people and the environment and the planet.中國消費者期待為他們的家和日常生活賦予全新的、不同形式的價值,也期待能為社會和可持續發展貢獻自己的力量。Chinese consumers are looking for new and different forms of value to improve their lives and homes and that fit with their values for society and sustainability.因此,宜家把“可持續”和“可負擔”作為2021財年的品牌重點,希望通過更可持續、低價且有意義的產品和解決方案,為消費者創造更加美好的日常生活。With this observation, IKEA will prioritize Sustainability and Affordability in FY21, aiming to create a better everyday life for the many people with sustainable, lower-priced but meaningful products.愛彼迎宣布“全球派對禁令”Airbnb Announces Global Party Ban 愛彼迎日前宣布一項全球範圍內的“派對禁令”。在進一步通知前,這項禁令將適用於愛彼迎在全球範圍內的所有未來預訂。Airbnb announces a global ban on all parties and events at Airbnb listings. This party ban applies to all future bookings on Airbnb and it will remain in effect indefinitely until further notice.隨著新冠肺炎疫情在全世界範圍內的蔓延,保持“社交距離”成為維護公共健康利益以及負責任出行的重要一環。基於此,愛彼迎也更新了相關的社區政策。When the pandemic was declared, and social distancing became an important element in promoting public health and responsible travel, Airbnb updated its policies.愛彼迎將開始從其平台中移除與派對活動相關的搜索選項,以及移除包括“允許派對活動舉行”字樣的房源描述。Airbnb started by removing both the “event-friendly” search filter from its platform as well as “parties and events allowed” House Rules from any event-friendly listings.更為重要的是,愛彼迎全新推出的社區政策,要求所有用戶必須遵守本地的新冠疫情防控要求。同時,許多地方政府也對人群聚集提出了更為嚴格的管控政策,有效地阻止了許多派對活動的發生。Most importantly, Airbnb introduced a new policy requiring all users to adhere to local COVID-19 public health mandates. At the time, most local governments were imposing strict limits on gatherings, which effectively created a form-fitting, patchwork ban on parties and events.諾德斯特龍二季度淨銷售額下降53%Nordstrom’s Net Sales Fall 53% In 2Q 據外媒報道,美國百貨連鎖企業諾德斯特龍日前表示,第二季度淨銷售額下降53%,原因是其門店在疫情期間被暫時關閉,銷售受到沖擊,其在線業務也因周年促銷時機變化而受到影響。Nordstrom said recently its net sales fell 53% during the second quarter, as its stores took a hit from being temporarily closed during the coronavirus pandemic, and its online business suffered due to a shift in timing of its annual Anniversary Sale.在截至8月1日的財季,公司淨虧損達2.55億美元,合每股虧損1.62美元,上年同期淨利1.41億美元,合每股盈餘0.90美元。For the period ended Aug. 1, Nordstrom swung to a loss of $255 million, or $1.62 per share, from net income of $141 million, or 90 cents a share, a year ago.包括信用卡銷售在內的營收從上年同期的38.7億美元降至18.6億美元,低於分析師預估的23.8億美元。Revenue, which includes sales from credit cards, fell to $1.86 billion from $3.87 billion a year ago, short of the $2.38 billion that analysts estimated.網上銷售額下降5%,很大程度上是因為這家百貨公司將通常在7月份舉行的周年慶促銷活動推遲到了第三季度。Online sales fell 5%, due in large part to the department store chain moving its popular Anniversary Sale that is typically held in July into the third quarter.該公司稱,如果排除這一影響,當季數字產品銷量增長約20%。Excluding this impact, the company said digital sales were up roughly 20% during the period. 《他的個人財富,刷新紀錄!》完,請繼續朗讀精采文章。 喜歡 小編的世界 e4to.com,請記得按讚、收藏及分享!